The First Intercultural IPTV Station Gathering Communities Anytime. Anywhere


Golive TV is the first intercultural and fastest-growing IPTV station in Canada, gaining millions of viewers since first launching in August of 2018. All of its 24/7 live-broadcasted shows are streamed worldwide for free through its own mobile app and on major platforms of social media. Besides having unlimited access to popular channels from countries around the world, Golive TV users also have access to a wide range of independent production. This includes televised programming, radio, and podcast transmissions at your fingertips, all day, every day.

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Golive TV is ever-expanding, offering a variety of studio settings, backdrops, props, green-screens, and a stage with a 9 by 12 foot video-wall. Furthermore, it also delivers a myriad of genres of entertainment, reality/cooking shows, and news networks. Our dynamic environment is accompanied by a highly-experienced team of technicians and professional audio and video equipment.

At Golive TV, we strive to achieve inclusivity and representation, reaching out to a wide spectrum of audiences. Its multilingualism in particular appeals to several countries and cultures around the world, displaying the beauty of Canada’s diversity. Our main goal is to serve, strengthen, and unite communities, both locally and globally. Golive TV provides more opportunities than any other standalone source of media ever has, reflecting the future in your hands.



You can check out some of our host’s show on our App or on our Youtube channel


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