This was shown to me when I heard the word of the lord telling me to go preach faith to peoples as a young prophet in my ministry the lord will teach about the prophetic message is about edifying the church and strengthen the faith in the lord 1 Corinthians 14:3. And a prophet is GOD’s messenger he came always with that’s said the lord.

A prophet have the word of GOD as heavenly currency to cash a miracle or healing,success etc …. it will depend in circumstances as we read in 2 chronicles 20:20 and the BiBle says GOD will do nothing without telling is prophet you see is not about to provoke others ministers but is about what the BiBle says about the truth in the prophetic ministry Amos 3:7 .

In my ministry as I walk with GOD I hear most of the time telling me what to say as the lord JESUS himself told us in the Bible everything to you hear me talk about I heard it to my Father.

I started my prophetic ministry in my country DR CONGO / Kinshasa in late 1990 and in 2000 I left DR CONGO for KENYA/ Nairobi where I have minister for good 16 years and going around in the world and ZIMBABWE/Harare , South Africa, Thailand,Tanzania,Belgium,France. And USA as today I am in Canada. In my journey in this prophetic ministry I have seen GOD’s goodness in peoples life the forgiveness will bring healing , deliverance and blessings they will a full package of salvation in our spirit ,body, souls . this is about the kindness of lord on those whom fear him. Luke 1: 50. my message is about it’s a call from doubt to faith and to stop doubting but to start believing because is our time to Believe only.I am overseer of VINE DRESSER MINISTRY Intl . Am mentor for a number of ministers and spiritual father to many by God’s grace.

The same grace as made us able in Kenya to work with Dr Archbishop ARTHUR KITONGA KISEVE. The founder of redeem gospel church of Kenya with over 2000 churches redeem gospel in the world with a number of over 4000 pastors in the world . I have learn in my prophetic ministry a lot with this great man of GOD Archbishop ARTHUR Kitonga traveled together in the word for the gospel .and sponsoring a number of orphans in Africa.

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