Winnie Smith
Winnie Smith is a loving mother of five children, lost one daughter in 2012 , she is a faith leader who believes that God is the great physician, and he is still in the healing business, he also allow the things to happen at His will. Winnie has overcome by the blood of the lamb and by the word of her testimony. “She says, in all things I still trust my God. She is very receptive to the Holy Spirit. Winnie experienced many revelations of who God is from a young age, she understand that she was a chosen child out of nine children, adopted the gene of her prophetic calling upon her life, from both Parents and God.
Winnie, a fivefold ministry leader “and he gave some Apostle, and some prophets, some evangelist, and some pastors and teachers. Eph. 4:11 believes her apostolic teaching is from the Holy Spirit, she is an Evangelist Prophet; Intercessor; Registered & Certified Chaplain in Ontario. Winnie had officially served as a prayer partner with The Cross Road’s Ministries. Now has her ministry; Faithful Prayers Global Ministries email:
Winnie Smith, a woman of many hats- Divine life Coach & counsellor; email: